domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2022


Gabriele Münter,

Portrait of Anna Roslund, 1917.

12 November 2022 — 12 February 2023

Discover the trailblazing women hidden from the history of 20th-century Modernism.

Please note:

• This exhibition will be open until 9pm on Friday evenings.

• Our galleries, shops and restaurants close at 6pm Tuesday–Thursday and at 9pm on Friday.

• Over the Christmas period the RA will be closed from 6pm on 23 December until 10am on 27 December.


Making Modernism is the first major UK exhibition devoted to pioneering women working in Germany in the early 1900s: Paula Modersohn-Becker, Kӓthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin.

Celebrated in their native homelands, this exhibition will introduce their innovative paintings and works on paper, alongside key pictures by Erma Bossi, Ottilie Reylaender and Jacoba van Heemskerck.

The exhibition reframes subjects such as self-portraiture, still-life, the female body, depictions of childhood, landscapes and urban scenes through the experiences and perspectives of these ground-breaking artists who – although less familiar than their male counterparts, such as Wassily Kandinsky – were no less central to the development of radical new approaches to art in Europe.

Bringing together 65 works, many never seen in the UK before, Making Modernism foregrounds the individuality of each artist whilst shining a spotlight on the strong affinities between them. Combining impressive, bold and intimately-scaled works, this exhibition explores themes of identity, representation and belonging – all powerfully relevant today.

Our Friends preview days take place on Thursday 10 November, 10am-6pm, and Friday 11 November, 10am-9pm.


Credits fotografici Giovanni Hänninen

Il Museo Bodoniano ha aperto al pubblico

Il Museo Bodoniano ha aperto al pubblico dal 30 novembre, con il medesimo orario di apertura del Complesso monumentale della Pilotta, dal martedì alla domenica dalle ore 10.30 alle 18.30 (ultimo ingresso alle 17.45).Per i visitatori che intendano entrare nel solo Museo Bodoniano il biglietto è di € 4, mentre per coloro che vogliano visitare sia il Complesso della Pilotta sia il Museo Bodoniano esiste la possibilità di abbinare al biglietto del Complesso della Pilotta (€ 12 intero, € 10 ridotto gruppi e € 2 per la fascia d’età 18-25 anni) un biglietto integrato pari a € 2.Tutte le categorie che godono delle agevolazioni di ingresso nei luoghi di cultura statali previste dalla normativa e consultabili alla pagina: hanno diritto di ingresso gratuito negli spazi del Museo Bodoniano.

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