domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015


Friday, 20. Saturday, 21
It-Teatru Manoel u the rubberbodies collective bis-sapport tal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti jippreżentaw l-iskritt rebbieħ tal-Premju Francis Ebejer, Ma Rridx Immur, miktub minn Leanne Ellul. 
T’għoxrin sena tiġi taqa’ u tqum ... taqa’ u tqum. Trid tgħix u biex tgħix tistudja u taħdem. Lilu tih jitgħażżen u ttih xejn iżjed. Hi togħdos fil-kotba, hu jżomm magħhom kemm kemm ma jegħriqx. Differenti minnhom kollha, ħabibtha u nanntu. U missierha? Ħmar il-lejl mit-tfulija li jitla’ fil-wiċċ.

Jieħdu sehem Ruth Borg, Ryan Cutajar, Marta Vella u Josette Ciappara.
Props, Kostumi u Set Matthew Pandolfino
Sound u Muzika Cygna
Direzzjoni ta’ Jimmy Grima

Teatru Manoel and the Rubberbodies Collective, with the support of Arts Council Malta, present the Francis Ebejer Award Winning script Ma Rridx Immu by Leanne Ellul. Featuring Ruth Borg, Ryan Cutajar, Marta Vella and Josette Ciappara. Directed by Jimmy Grima.
Through intimate dialogues filled with tension and unrest, we unravel Casey(23)'s relationship with those closest to her The past, savage and cruel, seems to haunt her to this day. Ma Rridx Immur explores life, love, anger, and death. The future? A distorted dream

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