03.06.2017 – 19.11.2017
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary –
TBA21-Augarten, Wien
Zeitgenössische Künstler
wie Julian Charrière, Darren Almond oder Susanne M. Winterling beschäftigen
sich in der Schau mit dem Lebensraum der Weltmeere
...like the movement of the
ocean she’s walking on, coming from one continent/continuum, touching another,
and then receding ('reading') from the island(s) into the perhaps creative
chaos of the(ir) future... – Kamau Brathwaite
Tidalectics is an oceanic
worldview, a different way of engaging with the oceans and the world we
inhabit. Unbound by land-based modes of thinking and living, the exhibition is
reflective of the rhythmic fluidity of water and the incessant swelling and
receding of the tides.
TBA21–Academy’s first
exhibition, Tidalectics, presents thirteen standout artists whose distinctive
works cast oceanic perspectives on the cultural, political, and biological
dimensions of the oceans, some examining the effects of human-made issues such
as climate change and sea-level rise, and others reimagining human and
“more-than-human” relationships. Tidalectics will comprise nine newly
commissioned works, many flowing from the Academy’s expeditions in the Pacific
Ocean, alongside exceptional pieces from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art
Contemporary (TBA21) collection.
Taking its title from a
play on words by the celebrated Barbadian poet-historian Kamau Braithwaite,
Tidalectics seeks to comprehend our histories as trajectories tossed by waves,
from ocean crossings to systems of exchange, myths, and microbial origins. The
exhibition will highlight processes of cultural adaptation and material change,
presenting a rich framework for understanding the coalescing polarities of
contemporaneity and history, science and poetics, routes and roots, and
ourselves—mostly land-dwelling humans—with the oceans and their many and
diverse inhabitants.
TBA21–Academy is a site of
cultural production and transdisciplinary research, focused on enabling a
deeper understanding of our oceans. Founded by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art
Contemporary in 2011, it is conceived as a moving platform on the oceans,
bringing together artists, scientists, and other thinkers from across numerous
fields to investigate the most pressing environmental issues of our time.......
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